
What to plant in June

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The garden may be really gearing up right now but what can you plant the garden in June? Fear not, there are still plenty of ways to get your hands in the dirt. It’s not too late! Here’s what to plant in June.

A Garden bed full of salad in June

What can I plant in the garden in June?

Now is the perfect time to plant quick growing crops.

These include things like:

  • salad greens – lettuce, chard, pak choi, spinach etc. You can get a very quick return on these andx are easy to grow in pots. sew every two weeks for a constant supply through the summer. Be aware though that salad greens don’t like sweltering heat, so these do great underneath taller plants where they can grab some well needed shade.
  • Beans and peas – these are great to plant if you’ve just harvested your early potatoes as they are nitrogen fixers, meaning they put nitrogen back into the soil. Since potatoes draw a lot of this out of the soil, peas especially can help rebalance the nutrients.
    • Bonus tip, using the chop and drop method of clearing a bed can also help with this. Simply chop up the leafy part of the potato top (as long as there is no disease) and scatter it onto the top of the bed. It will not only feed the soil with organic matter, but acts as a light mulch to supress weeds and keep in moisture! I love easy wins!
  • There is still time to sow summer and winter squash directly, just make sure to keep the ground moist or the germination rate will not be great. Ask me how I know….
  • You can sow outdoor cucumbers this month, but be quick. Cucumbers do really well in pots, trained vertically up some sort of trellising, and are really easy to harvest like this. Same goes for any squash actually.
  • Another great crop you can plant any time, so therefore in June too, are Microgreens. These are seeds you sow specifically to eat at the very young stage, things like cress, pea shoots, broccoli sprouts and alfalfa sprouts. They are beautiful on salads or in sandwiches etc to add a nutrient punch to your summer food. These are my fave mix to get started
June Microgreens and sprouts in trays on a windowsill

Other things to do in the garden in June

Watch out for slug!

A great hack I saw this year was using the larger discarded leaves from harvested veg as slug traps. Lay them on the soil around your plants and the slugs will eat these readily available ones rather than climb up your plants to eat them! You can then lift the leaves, remove the slugs and reuse the leaf to catch more! I love a no waste hack!

Pick off dead and yellowing leaves

Not only does it look better, but the leaves are obviously not helping the plant anymore and could attract pests. Now, often the yellowing is a sign of deficiency of some kind, so do pay attention to what the plant is telling you it needs. After the amendment, do tidy up the plant

Peg down strawberry runners

Who doesn’t love a juicy strawberry, and June is peak season. It’s also the time to think about the runners. Runners are how strawberry plants have babies! 🙂 If you peg down the runners into soil, it will root and create a new baby strawberry plant! If you are already at capacity though, and can’t take any more, pinch them off when you see them. (I love rooting them into pots so I can give them away to friends and neighbours)

Don’t forget to feed the plant!
Many people focus on watering their garden and rightly so, especially with the lack of rain there seems to be this year. However, don’t forget to feed flowering and fruiting plants with a high potassium liquid feed once a week. This could be an organic liquid fertiliser you’ve bought or a compost tea that you’ve made, but plants I’m gonna eat need good food too!

Enjoy It!

I’ve put this in large font because it’s getting busy in the garden. It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle and planning and care. However, it’s a beautiful time to get outside. The garden is changing daily and you begin to see the fruits )and veg) of your labour! It’s the time we long for all winter while we plan our gardens. Don’t let it pass you by. Stop and look at what you are creating. Smell the flowers. Watch the wildlife. Enjoy It!!

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