
Easy Natural Homemade Cleaner

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We all have messes to clean up around the home, but it doesn’t have to mean we fill our homes with harsh chemicals. This easy natural homemade cleaner is made from things you probably have hanging around, costs mere pennies, and still smells wonderful.

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A glass bottle of orange natural cleaner on a wooden chopping board next to some sliced tangerine

My kitchen is a working kitchen. It looks like a working kitchen, it sounds like a working kitchen and it gets messy like a working kitchen!

I make 2-3 meals a day from scratch every day of the week and I don’t have a dishwasher. This means there are pots everywhere, and flour everywhere, and every surface needs cleaning! Always!

And I love it.

I DON’T love choking on conventional sprays to clean up.

There are some lovely looking sprays and soaps on the shelf in the supermarket and I have fallen for a pretty bottle a good few times myself.

Falling for a pretty smell

Case in point: my old bathroom spray.

I found a bathroom spray that was called ‘winter mint’ and I love all things mint! I took the lid off and it smelled amazing, so despite knowing how they affect me, I caved and bought it.

Fast forward to my weekly bathroom scrub and I spray this spray and am coughing within 2 seconds!

I hate the burn from these things, and I KNOW it is not good for me, my family, or the environment as that goes down my drain and into the sewer system.

There is another way

White vinegar has been used for cleaning products since the time of the Babylonians!

It can help kill mould, the acidity kills most bacteria and when combined with other ingredients known for their antibacterial properties, has become a well known non toxic natural cleaner.

Now, to be clear, there are certain surfaces that should not be cleaned with vinegar, such as granite and quartz worksurfaces, since the vinegar is a mild acid and can react with the natural stone, but in general, it is safe to use on most surfaces.

Making a natural homemade cleaner

This cleaner is so easy and so versatile, the possibilities are endless!

Let’s start with some basics and go from there…

What you’ll need

Please note that this page contains affiliate links. While we only recommend products that we believe in, we may benefit financially from any purchases you make.

A large container with a lid – a mason jar works great

orange/lemon slices or peels

White vinegar – I use regular Aldi vinegar

A glass spray bottle – (Plastics can both leech into the vinegar and absorb the smell)


Essential oils – optional

How to make the citrus homemade cleaner

We want to infuse the vinegar with the oils from the citrus to boost its cleaning power. Citrus oils are proven to have antibacterial properties.

Place the sliced fruit or peels in the jar and fill with vinegar. Put the lid on tight and store in a cool dark place for about 2 weeks. ( a kitchen cupboard is ideal as long as it’s not next to the oven!)

As long as the vinegar is covering the peels, mould should not be a problem.

A jar of oranges in vinegar on a white tablecloth

After the two weeks (or more!) is up, use a funnel to pour your finished solution into the spray bottle about half way, and then top up with plain water.

A glass bottle with a funnel next to a jar of oranges in vinegar on a wooden worktop

Here is where you can add some essential oils if you want to, again boosting the cleaning power, but this is optional.

Give the bottle a shake and you are ready to use your new non toxic natural homemade cleaner

Combinations to try

Herbs can provide helpful properties to your cleaning solutions, so why not try adding a few to your vinegars as they steep

Here are some of my favourites:

  • Lemon and Thyme – crush the thyme between your fingers to release the oil before putting it into the jar
  • Orange and Rosemary – smells fresh and is great for the bathroom
  • Lemon and Lavender – Light and floral, a great all round cleaner
  • Grapefruit and Rosemary – just juicy and fresh (yes, juicy)
  • and for my mint fix, Lime and Eucalyptus (either the leaves or the essential oil)

(Please note, if you decide to add essential oils, do remember to check if they are safe to use around any pets you may have)

For a matter of mere pence, and some food scraps, you can clean your whole house worry free and chemical free.

Welcome to the cleaning revolution!!!

Homemade orange cleaner in a glass spray bottle next to slices or orange

Let me know your favourite cleaning combinations in the comments, and don’t forget to share the post! Thanks friends x

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